Super Yummy BreakfastBurrito for the Chronically Lazy and Culinarily Inept
(your favorite instant egg white mixwill do)
(2 servings better – choose a hotteror milder version of Mrs. Renfro’s if you like)
Pour Eggbeaters, cheese, and ½ of the Mrs. Renfro’s HabaneroSalsa into a small-medium bowl. It will expand while cooking, so don’t cut ittoo close. Stir vigorously with a fork to mix. Put the bowl on a dry papertowel and cook on HIGH in 1100 watt microwave oven for 90 seconds.
While that’s cooking, toss your tortilla into the toasteroven and it toast. You want it warm, but not crispy, so choose your settingaccordingly.
When the microwave buzzes, pull out bowl (using paper towelnot to burn your hands), break up the solid parts of the egg into smallerpieces using your fork, give it a stir, and put the bowl on the paper towelback into the microwave on HIGH for another 80 seconds.
By now, your tortilla should be done. Pull it out of thetoaster oven and put it on a small plate. When the microwave buzzes, pull outthe bowl, use the fork to loosen the “omelet” edges from the bowl, and invertit onto your tortilla. Top the “omelet”with the rest of the Mrs. Renfro Habanero Salsa and fold the tortilla like aburrito. Try to exercise some patience and wait long enough for it to cool downso you don’t burn you mouth -- take this time to put the bowl into the sinkwith some warm water in it to make cleanup easier.
Devour and enjoy!
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